“If we want to reach real peace in this World, we should start educating children. You must be the change you wish to see in the World” – Mahatma Gandhi

Subject Leader: Miss A Jackson

Rationale: Purpose of Study

PSHE is Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. Evidence shows that PSHE education improves the physical, psychosocial, health and wellbeing of children. In turn, children with positive health and wellbeing usually achieve better academically and experience greater success. During PSHE sessions children learn key skills and knowledge related to citizenship.

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is taught at Nanpean School as part of our PSHE Curriculum. During these specific sessions, children learn to keep themselves healthy and safe: about changes in their bodies as they develop, healthy respectful relationships, focus on family and friendships (in all contexts, including online).



Our aim at Nanpean School is to provide children with a knowledge of the world we live in, considering our starting points at a local level, and comparing this nationally and globally, giving children the confidence to tackle moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in the modern world. We aim to have a PSHE Curriculum that fosters our vision ‘Nanpean Community Primary School: Nurturing Children’s Passion to Succeed’ through a programme of study that matches their needs. Teachers are knowledgeable of this and children receive purposefully planned learning opportunities. PSHE is also part of the ‘hidden curriculum’ and is embedded throughout the wider curriculum across the school. We aim to ensure that children feel their voices are heard and valued so that they contribute to the school and wider community.

Throughout our PSHE offer, it is our intent that children learn about:

  •          Families and people who care for them
  •          Friendships
  •          Respectful relationships
  •          Online relationships and being safe online
  •          The environment
  •          Money
  •          Physical health and fitness
  •          Mental health and wellbeing
  •          Healthy eating
  •          Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  •          Poor health prevention
  •          Basic first aid
  •          The changing body (as they grow and develop)
  •          Age appropriate Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)


Nanpean School has a PSHE Curriculum that focuses on the following areas: Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; Living in the Wider World; RSHE; British Values. Our school follows the LifeWise scheme as a basis for teaching and learning, with adaptations made, when appropriate and necessary, to support the needs of specific learners. We have ensured there is a well thought through plan which provides progression and ensures appropriate coverage as children move through the school. Christopher Winter Project (CWP) resources, for example, are occasionally used to supplement learning.

We award a ‘Citizenship Award’ in our Celebration of Achievement Assembly (weekly on a Friday afternoon) and this is nominated by staff who have noticed a child being a good citizen.

We also take part in workshops offered by StaySafe (paid for each academic year with a particular focus regarding online safety) as well as the local Mental Health Support Team (workshops offered without charge).

As a school community, we also take part in PSHE related campaigns, such as Mental Health Awareness Day (October), Anti-Bullying Week (November) and Safer Internet day (February). Practical and real opportunities are provided where possible, including educational visits to foster local links or visitors into school (part of our FAB Curriculum offer). Such events are celebrated through our social media outlets, including the school website, Facebook page, and Class Dojo. This also ensures we engage the wider community in these events and raise important issues, as well as highlighting learning that has taken place.



  •          Monitoring has shown that our PSHE Curriculum is well considered and logically sequenced to demonstrate progression in knowledge, skills and vocabulary. A Year 3 child (2024) explained: ‘PSHE lessons help me talk about my feelings and understand other people.’
  •          Children have respect for themselves and others: monitoring (and triangulation of this externally) has shown that children’s behaviour and attitudes are good and they develop positive relationships with peers.
  •          Pupil Conferencing shows that children deepen their understanding of how to be healthy, safe, respectful citizens who contribute to their community.
  •          Pupil Conferencing (and triangulation of this externally) has shown that children are able to articulate and show understanding of the British Values.
  •          Class discussion, assemblies and pupil conferencing shows that children are aware of the Protected Characteristics, they celebrate differences and see them as a positive, not a negative.
  •          Feedback from the local secondary school has stated on numerous occasions that children from Nanpean School are prepared for the next stage of their education as well as the journey preparing them for life and work in modern Britain, so they become responsible members of society.
  •          Class discussion has shown that children understand RSHE at an age appropriate level and can ask sensible questions (when they are not certain) in relation to this. A Year 4 child (2024) stated: ‘I feel like I understand relationships I have in my life and know what to do if a relationship becomes unhealthy or unsafe.’


Our PSHE curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. The emphasis on practical activities ensures that all children can take an active part in lessons and we believe that children are likely to learn more effectively with a ‘discussion based’ and ‘hands on’ approach. We also consider ways of minimising and reducing barriers to learning so that all pupils are included in lessons and achieve their potential. The Curriculum Adaptations document on our website (see ‘Key Information’ section) includes ways that learning is adapted to support children, with this including general adaptations as well as highlighting some that could be specific to PSHE.


British Values

At Nanpean School, British Values are embedded into the wider curriculum, where appropriate, while we also learn about British Values at other specific times, such as during Collective Worship opportunities (Assemblies). They are interwoven with PSHE coverage as PSHE allows strong links to British Values: one of the five key areas of our PSHE Curriculum (as stated in the first part of the ‘implementation’ section above) is ‘British Values’.

During PSHE, children explore issues such as democracy through elections for roles. They consider individual liberty when discussing changes they would like to see in school and in society during PSHE lessons. They also consider the rule of law through appropriate PSHE sessions, and use this during the school day when considering our three school rules. Children frequently show tolerance and respect for the opinions and values of others during PSHE lessons.

By looking at the achievements of significant people in history, children develop an awareness of how they have influenced and shaped the country in which we live. This includes an appreciation of their work.

Teaching children to respect and value diversity is encouraged in day to day teaching and learning which helps to prepare children for life in modern Britain, through showing respect for different viewpoints and ideas as well as in the ability to work effectively together.



At Nanpean School children are asked to consider and comment on moral questions and dilemmas. Events and beliefs will often be different to others and children are encouraged to show compassion for people facing dilemmas and to empathise with decisions people make and their reasoning behind these decisions. Discussion about right and wrong is explored in connection with events. Children also have opportunities to explore social and environmental issues in the modern world. They examine how other cultures have had a major impact on the development of British culture. Children also have opportunities to develop socially through collaborative and team working activities: they are encouraged to gain an understanding of, and empathy for, people from different cultural backgrounds. This has clear links with relevant British Values as well.


How you can help your child at home

Why not discuss topical issues as a family? An example of this could be discussing the question sent via Class Dojo and via our school newsletter each week that is the weekly debate from the Smart School Council Community (SSCC).


Facilitate discussions with your child in relation to their PSHE learning (see the Overview document which is one of the attachment links above).


You could also take part in health and wellbeing activities as a family! 


The following websites could also be used to support your child’s PSHE learning: - NSPCC website related to respectful relationships and thus safety and wellbeing. - NHS better health / healthier families website. - A website that shows available support in the area.