Seven Key Questions About Reading

Seven Key Questions About Reading 

How do we prioritise reading at Nanpean School?

  • Read Write Inc (RWI) is followed at EYFS and KS1 and is taught daily for 30 minutes.  
  • Reading comprehension sessions that specifically teach the reading comprehension domains take place in KS2 three times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Novel study takes place three times a week in each class using high-quality novels to promote reading for pleasure. 
  • In EYFS and KS1 pupils are heard individually to read at least once a week. KS2 pupils who are not reading frequently at home are also heard individually to read at school.
  • Pupils visit our school library every week and choose a book to borrow, in addition to their regular reading books. This library book is taken home as a book to read and or share for pleasure.
  • Pupils in Year 2 and above are part of the Accelerated Reader programme. Instead of being a ‘free reader’, they are directed to choose books within their ZPD level as their individual reading book. Within this band, there are a range of difficulties and interest levels for the children to choose from. The children have a STAR Reading assessment every half-term to ensure that they are making progress and to ensure that they are on the correct ZPD level. 
  • Pupils who are learning phonics in EYFS and KS1 take home three books: a RWI Story Book and RWI Book Bag book as their decodable books and a library book as a book to be read to for pleasure. Once children reach the end of RWI grey books they will move to Accelerated Reader.
  • To encourage reading at home, we reward pupils with reading points. Children earn points to be rewarded with owning their own books. We also use our reading records to monitor pupils not reading at home so we can provide extra provision in school.
  • Reading is celebrated in our school celebration assembly each week, with pupils being awarded their certificates, bookmarks and books for reading at home. We also hold reading events throughout the year such as Reading Breakfasts and World Book Day.
  • Each of our classrooms has a reading corner where pupils can sit comfortably during the day to read a book.  Books are rotated regularly by staff to match the class learning and pupils’ interests.
  • Each classroom has a selection of books as a mini library with a selection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. 

How do we promote a love of reading?

  • All staff model reading skills, discuss texts read with the pupils and share their own love of reading.
  • Teachers read class stories every day to promote a love and enjoyment of stories.
  • Our curriculum incorporates a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, to expose pupils to different texts they may enjoy.
  • Pupils are encouraged to access the library and change books on a regular basis.  This is in addition to their reading book from our reading scheme.
  • We have a long-term plan of essential texts that ensures that pupils are read a range of high-quality texts during their time at Nanpean School.
  • For World Book Day, we dress-up, plan fun activities and parents to come in and read with the children.
  • We reward our Reading Challenge winners with their own books to keep. 

How do we make sure pupils make progress?

  • Phonics is taught following the Rear, Write, Inc. progression of sounds to ensure a systematic approach. Phonics lessons follow the same sequence of teach, practise, revise, review and apply. Planning includes assessment for the graphemes taught.
  • Phonics is assessed half termly to identify gaps in learning to inform future planning and intervention.
  • The school supports pupils to be expert readers by specifically teaching each of the key reading skills.
  • There is a clear progression of reading skills from Reception to Year 6 against which pupils’ progress is measured and gaps are noted and acted on.
  • Pupils who are struggling with decoding skills (preventing them from accessing reading material) have targeted interventions.  Targeted intervention includes Read, Write, Inc. Fast-Track Tutoring, Toe-by-Toe and Precision Teaching. Staff implementing these are fully trained to lead the interventions.
  • Pupils who need further opportunity to practise reading because they do not read at home, are given priority to read to an adult in school. Class teachers ensure volunteers, who come into school to hear readers, are guided to support reading appropriately.
  • Staff have pupil progress meetings half-termly with the Headteacher, Reading Leader and SENDCo.
  • Pupils on the Accelerated Reader programme complete a STAR assessment every half-term. This data is used by the Reading Leader to identify children who need extra-support.
  • NfER tests are used for summative assessment by class teachers. The results of these are discussed in termly data meetings.
  • We assist parents with supporting reading by providing parents information meetings, information on the website and letters home.

How do we match the pupils' reading books to their phonic ability?

  • Pupils are assessed daily in phonics as well as half termly using the RWI assessments. Assessment then informs which books match to the pupil’s phonic ability.
  • Staff in EYFS and KS1 are responsible for changing and or checking the pupil’s reading books. Pupils who are learning phonics in EYFS and KS1 take home three books: a RWI Story Book and a RWI Book Bag Books as decodable books and a library book as a book to be read to for pleasure. Once children reach the end of RWI grey books, they move onto Accelerated Reader.
  • Pupils in Year 2 and above are part of the Accelerated Reader programme. Instead of being a ‘free reader’, they are directed to choose books within their ZPD level as their individual reading book. Within this band, there are a range of difficulties and interest levels for the children to choose from. The children have a STAR Reading assessment every half-term to ensure that they are making progress and to ensure that they are on the correct ZPD level.

How do we teach phonics from the start? 

Pupils begin learning letter sounds on entry to Reception. Following the RWI system, pupils are immersed in a directed teaching approach which embeds systematic phonics skills as the core skills for reading. Sounds are taught in a specific order, and regular assessment informs future planning and interventions.

First, pupils will learn to read:

Set 1 Speed Sounds: m  a  s  d  t  i  n  p  g  o  c  k  u  b  f  e  l  h  r  j  v   y  w  z  x and sounds written with two letters digraphs: sh  th  ch   qu  ng  nk  ck

Words containing these sounds, by sound-blending,  e.g. m–a–t  mat, c–a–t  cat, g–o–t  got, f–i–sh  fish,  s–p–o–t  spot, b–e–s–t  best, s–p–l–a–sh  splash.

Secondly, we will learn to read:

Set 2 Speed Sounds: ay  ee  igh  ow  oo  oo  ar  or   air  ir  ou  oy

Words containing these sounds.

Then, we will learn to read:

Set 3 Speed Sounds: ea  oi  a-e  i-e  o-e  u-e  aw   are  ur  er  ow  ai  oa  ew  ire  ear  ure as well as the sounds ue, au, wh, ph, oe, ie

Words containing these sounds.

To support the learning in school, pupils take home their phonically decodable reading book to reinforce the sounds taught and the red words (common exception words).

Phonics is discussed with parents in the Transition to School meeting and parents are given resources to support phonics at home.

How do we support pupils to catch up?

  • Summative data is submitted once a term and pupil progress analysis is taken from this. Pupils identified by class teachers and in pupil progress meetings as not making progress, have interventions planned for them and teaching staff are aware of who is a priority for intervention/support.
  • RWI assessments are done termly. The children who are falling behind, are targeted for phonics interventions 1:1 or in small groups.
  • Pupils who did not achieve their phonics check in Year 1 or Year 2 receive interventions.
  • Planned interventions are reviewed half-termly and staff leading the intervention sessions have drop-in sessions with the Reading Leader and SENDCo to discuss the progress of the pupils.

How do we train staff to be reading experts?

  • All KS1 teachers and all TAs have received up to date Read, Write, Inc. training.
  • The school was a partner school with English Hub Kernow and received termly visits which incorporated training for staff delivering the interventions and the coaching of adults leading RWI groups.
  • The school has RWI development days lead by a trainer to ensure staff are skilled in delivering the phonics lessons.
  • The Phonics Leader arranges CPD sessions for staff whereby they are shown training based on the findings of monitoring of the phonics teaching.
  • The Headteacher, School Improvement Partner and subject leads monitor guided reading sessions and phonics teaching.
  • We teach reading comprehension using agreed lesson design principles. Teachers are supported in delivering these through coaching.