Key Policies

Key Policies 
This page contains the school’s set of statutory policies. If you require a paper copy or a special print option please email the school office (

Academy-wide policies can be found on TPAT's policy page: Truro and Penwith Academy Trust - Policies (
Accessibility Plan and Audit 
Our school Accessibility Plan shows how we plan to improve accessibility for special educational needs pupils, and when these improvements will be made. To plan for these, we have our Access Audit. 
Our accessibility plan will outline how we will:
  • Improve the physical environment
  • Make improvements in the provision of information
  • Increase access to the curriculum 

Asthma Policy

This policy is designed to run alongside the risk assessments and care plans schools develop in accordance with the Department for Education (DfE) documentation.

Attendance Policy​
At Nanpean School, attendance is one of our highest priorities to ensure that all children get the most out of their education with us. We have a number of procedures and reward schemes in place to encourage and reward high attendance. We have worked closely with local cluster schools to develop a workable and effective Attendance Policy.​
Anti-Bullying Policy
At Nanpean School we do not tolerate bullying in any form. We have policies in place that we follow to ensure that any cases of bullying are dealt with properly. Please click on the link to read how we tackle this issue.
Assessment and Feedback Policy 
Assessment is an essential part of teaching and learning; it ensures that teaching is effective thus allowing the learner to move forward and progress at a pace suitable to the individual and their ability / needs.  How children are assessed and receive feedback has a direct bearing on learning attitudes and future achievements.
Behaviour and Discipline Policy
​At Nanpean the highest standards of behaviour are expected and encouraged so that our school can be an orderly calm place in which to learn. At all times the children are expected to be polite and to show consideration and respect for other peoples’ feelings, needs and property. In accordance with s89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, our Behaviour Policy clarifies our high expectations of behaviour and the rewards and consequences in place.

In a school, which aims to promote an atmosphere which values diversity and respect of difference, bullying cannot be tolerated and is taken very seriously by everyone at the school. We encourage the children to tell a member of the school staff if they have any concerns. It would also be helpful for you to speak to the class teacher first, then the headteacher if you have any concerns. It is important that children and the school work together for the benefit of the children.
Bomb Threat Policy
This policy outlines the procedures for a bomb threat, as well as responsibilities and duties for individual members of staff. In the event that a threat is received, the procedures in this policy will come into effect. In all instances, the police will be contacted immediately and their instructions will be followed at all times. The likelihood of a threat being made against the school is extremely remote; however, it is essential that any threat is taken seriously and acted upon in a professional manner.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
This policy develops procedures and good practice within our School, ensuring that each person within the school can demonstrate that there is an understanding of the duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people including those who are vulnerable. It provides evidence of how this will be implemented within our School and within multi-agency working arrangements.

Important information regarding Child Protection at Nanpean School:

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Joanna Harvey 

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) are: Taryn Montgomery-Smith and Sarah Morrison 

Our Designated Teacher for Children in Care is: Sarah Morrison

Our Member of the Governing Body for safeguarding is: Anne Bullock
Please see the link below to view the TPAT Child protection and Safeguarding
Charging Policy
Current Charging and Remission information from Nanpean School.
Complaints Policy
​Our Complaints policy details the procedure all parents/ carers must follow when making a complaint. It also specifies what procedures the school will follow upon receiving a complaint.

Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Complaints Policy
Debt Recovery Policy
At Nanpean School, the Governing Board has a duty to ensure the school receives all the funds to which it is entitled. This policy has been created to ensure the appropriate procedures are in place to deal with debts and the recovery of assets. 
Online Safety Information, Social Networking Policy and Cyber Bullying Policy
Now that more and more children have access to the internet at home and at school, online safety is becoming increasingly important. For more information on the potential safeguarding and child protection issues that the internet has made easier, and the ways to try and prevent these situations from occurring.

For further information regarding the safe use of Smart phones, please click here.
Equal Opportunities Policy 
At Nanpean School, we believe that all pupils and staff should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever their background, identity or circumstances. We are committed to creating a community that recognises and celebrates difference within a culture of respect and co-operation. We appreciate that a culture which promotes equality will create a positive environment and a shared sense of belonging for all who work, learn and use the services of our school. 
Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Equal Opportunities Policy
First Aid Policy
Freedom of Information Policy
Nanpean School has an obligation to publish a freedom of information statement, outlining how we will meet our duties under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and associated regulations. The development and effective implementation of this policy fulfils that requirement.
More specifically, this policy outlines our school’s policy and procedures for:
  • The release and publication of private data and public records.
  • Providing applicants with advice and assistance throughout the duration of their requests.
It also clarifies our position regarding the appropriate limit to the costs incurred by the school in obtaining any requested information, and on charging fees for its provision.
Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Freedom of Information Policy.


The General Data Protection Regulations (known as GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 and require any company or person who collects, holds and shares personal data, to audit their information and ensure that the information collected and held is done so for a specific purpose, and that we have effective procedures in place to protect that data, including that companies we are required to share information with are also compliant with the new regulations.

Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT GDPR Policy

Health and Safety Policy

At Nanpean Primary School we will provide every child with a safe and healthy environment in which to learn and develop the skills they need to be positive members of the community. The Governing Board of Nanpean Primary School adopted the following statement and procedures for the provision of health, safety and welfare of pupils, visitors, employees and contractors involved with the activities of the School.

Leave of Absence (Staff) Policy
This policy has been developed to promote a clear and consistent approach within schools for the management of requests from staff for leave of absence. This policy is recommended to schools for adoption immediately. However, should schools decide to develop their own procedure, they will need to reopen Trade Union consultation on an individual basis.
Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Leave of Absence Policy
Lockdown Invacuation Policy
Nanpean School is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of its pupils in all scenarios. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work’ Regulations 1999, schools must have appropriate procedures in place in the event of a serious and imminent danger to persons at work. Lockdown procedures should be seen as a sensible and proportionate response to any external or internal incident which has the potential to pose a threat to the safety of staff and pupils in the school. Procedures should aim to minimise disruption to the learning environment whilst ensuring the safety of all pupils and staff.
Management of Contractors

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy


The ‘Young Minds’ website states that 1 in 10 children and young people aged 5 – 16 years old (school age) have a diagnosable Mental Health disorder. This statistic alone is alarming and would equate to approximately 3 children in each class. Nanpean School is committed to promoting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of pupils and staff. We are at a stage where every single member of staff needs to take responsibility for being aware of pupils’ mental health as well as a physical health.

Parental Engagment Policy
Parental engagement refers to teachers and schools involving parents in supporting their children’s academic learning. At Nanpean School, all parents and carers are equally valued as part of our school community. We also realise that children’s learning is improved when we work in partnership with their parents or carers, and their wider family. We therefore believe in close cooperation with all families, and in regular consultation between the home and the school. This policy has been produced in order to provide a framework in which all parents can engage meaningfully in the education of their child and the life of the school, express their views and have these taken in to consideration on matters affecting the education of their child.
Parental Responsibility
Written in line with current Legislation, this policy outlines who has Parental Responsibility for a child and what responsibilities this gives with regards to Nanpean School.
Staff Code of Conduct
This code of conduct has been adopted by the Governing Board of Nanpean School to enable it to discharge its functions under the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 in relation to its duty to establish procedures for the regulation of the conduct of staff at the school.
Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Staff Code of Conduct Policy
Staff Grievance and Discipline Policy 

Nanpean School is committed to ensuring that all staff should be treated in a consistent, fair and sensitive manner. This approach requires that it should specify those aspects of misconduct which may warrant consideration under the terms of the school’s disciplinary procedure.

This policy reflects the need for all staff to uphold and promote the school’s ethos and aims, both inside and outside the workplace, to ensure they are positive role models.

Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Staff Grievance and Discipline Policy

Uniform Policy
Whistleblowing Policy 
Every school should have a Whistleblowing Policy that protects staff members who report colleagues they believe are doing something wrong or illegal, or who are neglecting their duties. This policy is a key part of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and should be considered in conjunction with our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and other relevant safeguarding policies e.g. Confidentiality, Health and Safety and Code of Conduct.
Please see the link at the top of the page to view the TPAT Whistleblowing Policy