Year 3 and 6: Kingfisher Award Scheme

24th May 2022
Years 3 and 6: Kingfisher Award Scheme
On Tuesday Years 3 and 6 went on a trip to a dairy farm near Fraddon as part of the Kingfisher Award Scheme. At the farm, we went to lots of different workshops but we didn't just learn about dairy farming. We explored in the woods and learnt about moths and owls. We also went to a stream and caught lots of creatures in nets that we had never seen before. Another workshop was all about worms and the type of soil they like best. 
Fun fact: cows use their tongues to eat and after they have swallowed they can regurgitate the grass to chew it with their back teeth.
After half term, year 6 will be working on a project to present and we hope to win the Kingfisher Award. By Eden and China, year 6.