
Welcome to Rosemellyn Class


Rosemellyn is our Year 6 Class named after the China Clay Pit near Roche. 

The Rosemellyn team consists of Mr Prince (class teacher) and Mrs Kitts (teaching assistant).

Ask Mr Prince:

If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please speak to Mr Prince at the entrance to school in the mornings or at the end of the day so that they can be resolved. Less urgent messages can be sent on ClassDojo. Alternatively, you can email and Mr Prince will do his best to assist you. Please feel free to use this to give feedback on your child's experience in Rosemellyn Class as all feedback is appreciated and goes toward the positive development of Nanpean School.

Rosemellyn Play Leaders
All Y6 children received a day of training via and external provider. There are 4 leads in Y6 who give up 1-2 lunchtimes a week to facilitate guided games/play for KS. These leads organise and plan games, resource the lessons and organise additional helpers when needed. The idea is not only to encourage positive play but also to develop leadership and planning skills.